About Abbie

IMG_5394Hello, I’m Abbie. I started The Blue Tree House several years with the desire that it would be a blessing to Christian young ladies. Over the years, I’ve shared modest outfit ideas, recipes, truths God is teaching me, book reviews, and other random bits of my life. Life has gotten a bit busier lately and while blogging is no longer a priority for me, I still enjoy publishing the occasional post.

I have seven brothers and three sisters (I’m the third-born) and I love living in a large family. As a child, there was always a playmate (or three) and, as an adult, there’s always someone to talk to. Our best friends are each other.

My parents are a continual encouragement, challenge, and blessing to me. My dad (a self-employed electrician) leads our family with love and bases every decision on the Word of God. Mom is wonderful helpmeet for Dad, a talented homemaker, and a tremendous teacher and mother to her eleven children.

I enjoy a variety of pastimes and activities and I love learning a new skill. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with family, learning Spanish, playing an instrument, sewing, baking, and going on missions trips (not necessarily in that order).

For thou art great and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. Psalm 86:10